Thursday, May 26, 2011

Great new Protandim testimonial from Michigan - Marilyn is 73 years young!

Although we make no medical claims for Protandim and individual results will vary, we are seeing an explosion of personal testimonials about improvements in overall wellness and vitality from tens of thousands of users. One such story follows. Realize that the benefits of Protandim are CUMULATIVE ... the longer you take it, the more pronounced the results will be. Users should expect to take one pill a day for 30-60-90 days before looking for significant or dramatic changes. That being said, there are SOME individuals (such as the woman below) who experience noticeable improvements within the very first week!

According to Dr. McCord, if you forget and miss a day occasionally, no problem. The Protandim has a carry-over effect to compensate for such lapses. However, if you stop taking Protandim for 2 weeks ... you are pretty much back where you started. The free radicals are again
unleashed and ravaging every cell in your body.

WHY should everyone be taking Protandim?
a) Your body's natural enzyme production (SOD, catalase, glutathione) diminishes year by year as you grow older;

b) These enzymes are the PRIMARY FIGHTING FORCE for neutralizing the free radicals -- stray oxygen molecules that rob electrons from healthy cells (termed oxidative stress), thus steadily increasing chances for premature aging and a multitude of symptoms and/or diseases;

c) Protandim is the only scientifically proven product to effectively counter and conquer oxidative stress -- a proven reduction of 40-70%!

d) Using anti-oxidant supplements or much touted juices, powders, fruits or vegetables is essentially meaningless in the fight against oxidative stress/free radicals. We the people have been spending $30 billion a year on such products -- for naught.

One molecule of ANY consumed "antioxidant" can neutralize only ONE free radical, and then it's game over. Your body is creating TRILLIONS of free radicals daily (scientists say it's 30 sextrillion of 'em!). That amounts to a 3 with 23 zero's following it! 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ...
This would be somewhat like having a swarm of millions or billions (or trillions) of KILLER BEES attacking you ... while you try to pick off a few with your Red Ryder beebee gun.

e) By comparison, just ONE molecule of your body's own, internally-produced ENZYMES can neutralize a MILLION free radicals per second without ever exhausting itself!

If you would like to order please follow this link and click shop and select preferred customer to get the discount.

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